Blood of Gruumsh Preview & Unboxing

Another quick follow up preview / review / unboxing for the newest Dungeon Command orc faction, Blood of Gruumsh. If you still need to know what the game is all about, be sure to check my original Dungeon Command review where I review the game itself in-depth. This time though, I’m talking specifically the nasty orcs and the contents of their faction pack. The dungeon tiles in in this set brings yet another variation to the game with them having the only starting area that totally blocks line of sight.

Check out the video for my quick run down of the box contents, each mini up close and personal and a quick run through the order and creature cards for the faction. If you want to skip straight to the good stuff and not listen to me preach to fellow game masters about buying these sets for the minis alone, then skip to 1:45!  Honestly though, at a twenty-some dollar price point on amazon it almost seems silly to pass up especially if you need a bundle of a certain type of mini. Online resellers charge an upwards of 5$ each for uncommons, and that’s if you’re lucky since they are all out of print nowadays. Anyway, on with the video!

Players: 2-4 (or more) Ages: 12+  Setup Time: 5-10 min Play Time: 45min-2hrs

Production Values: Great miniatures, quality card stock, order and monster card quality is good but you still might want to sleeve them.



  • Lots of ways for direct morale gain, and order card manipulation
  • Some truly brutal combos for very high damage
  • Lots of damage deflection and avoidance
  • Lots of self-damaging effects
  • Lots of units don’t have any special effects/qualities
  • Very low magic

[info_box] Grab Blood of Gruumsh on amazon for about 26$. If you decide to pick it up please use these affiliate links, and thanks for watching the review! Be sure to give me your thoughts on these sets too![/info_box]


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