Adding another brick to Castle Ravenloft’s Walls
So this Sunday happens to be the season finale of Trueblood on HBO, and right now you may be wondering “well what the hell does that have to do with D&D, and why am I reading this?”and in fact it has a lot to do with it, at least in my world.
I take a lot of inspiration for my D&D games from movies, games, and television – particularly from the horror genre as it’s my favorite, and my gaming group regularly gets together to watch this show before our D&D game.
So I’m inviting my group over early for a day of vampires and good times and I figure what better way to kick that day off than with a game of Castle Ravenloft! Problem is, my group of friends including myself totals to six, and Ravenloft being a DM-less game only accommodates for 5 players.