Tome of Beasts, Go Now!

Tome of Beasts, Go Now!


Awesome Breaking News

Hey guys, really quick update here because I wanted you all to know that my first ever full-length adventure module (to be published by Kobold Press later this year), The Alabaster Tomb of Tiberesh is now part of their awesome Tome of Beasts kickstarter! As if 400 new monsters for 5th edition D&D weren’t enough, if the project earns just a few more thousand you’ll get a lethal tomb crawl set in the Southlands campaign setting. I mean…there’s lich hounds in this book. How awesome does that sound? Hell, maybe you’ll want to put some lich hounds inside the Tomb of Tiberesh. Be my guest, go wild! Tell your friends, because the project ends today!


My adventure is so close to being in the hands of over 2,000 5e fanatics!

About The Adventure Module

The Alabaster Tomb of Tiberesh was written for Gencon 2015 and was a hit at the show, so I was graciously given the opportunity to flesh it out into an entire product. It’s a lethal pyramid tomb crawl for 5-6 2nd level characters (or 3+ 3rd level) and plays in about 4-5 hours. Have you got questions about the adventure? Check the comments section of the Kickstarter where Wolfgang is already answering them in spades. I wish I could say more, but I can’t blow the lid off of the whole thing just yet. There will be another blog post soon for lots of other fun updates, but until then, go back the Tome of Beasts!

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