[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left” alt=”Edda the Barbarian, Fernando the Bard, Wendy the Mage” height=”200″ width=”200″]https://dreadgazebo.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/party.jpg[/image_frame]
In A Nutshell
So, a while back I stumbled upon this web series called Standard Action. I was told to check out a few episodes, but instead wound up finding myself spending an entire afternoon watching every single episode of their first season. Standard Action is kind of like The Guild, only if it were from an all in-game perspective, and referenced D&D instead of World of Warcraft.
Instead we have a webseries that’s extremely well done, the story is chock full of D&D references and fantasy tropes with a great band of characters and unique brand of humor tabletop gamers can enjoy. It’s all shot in HD, the audio is crisp, and the few spell effects are pretty damn well done, to boot.
Standard Action follows the story of a small group of adventurers who have definitely split the party and are working together to rejoin forces. Through many misadventures and a few new-found friends (and perhaps an evil mime or two) they find themselves in a much bigger mess than they had ever thought to begin with, but I won’t say much more than that to avoid spoilers. Just do yourself a favor and watch, gather up your gaming buddies and watch – you won’t be disappointed.
Bard Hate, Evil Mimes And More!
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”right” alt=”Martin the druid and Wendy talk it out.” height=”200″ width=”200″]https://dreadgazebo.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/5630509520_fd05f51fd8.jpg[/image_frame]I’d also like to mention that Standard action also has another great thing going for it, in my book at least. That thing is bard hate, that’s right, tons of it. Standard action makes good use of bardic wisecracks, who in this case, is the magnificent Fernando halfling names here> Hairyfeet. Anyone who knows me, or especially my wife, knows very well how much we appreciate some bard smack talk. I must say though, Fernando is probably one of my favorite characters, with all of his hatred for free-form jazz and crafty halfling wit.
See For Yourself
All the other characters are great too, and though I do feel compelled to go on about how awesome they are, instead I really think you should just check out the show. If you wind up liking it enough, why not toss them a bone over at IndieGoGo where they’re trying to raise funds for their second season, maybe we’ll get to see more of those cool spell effects I was talking about. Since I know you’re lazy like I am, I’ve embedded the third episode right here for you to watch without having to go anywhere. I chose episode 3 because it’s where the story picks up and really starts to shine, Episodes 1 and 2 are back story, and some good laughs too so don’t neglect them!
Check out future developments on standard action via their website, following them on twitter or by becoming a fan on facebook.
Whoa, cool! I had no idea about this show!