Hey, it’s Halloween! The Dread Gazebo’s favorite holiday! In the spirit of celebrating the thinnest veil between the living and the dead, I bring to you a chance for yet another way to waste your life pretending to be a dwarf. As you know I’m elated to be through another dry spell in gaming and having emerged a wiser, better DM.
I’m also pretty damn thankful that I have such awesome friends all around me. I’ve also hit (and surpassed) 1k twitter followers recently so I’d like to keep to my promise of giving some cool stuff away. See, Halloween is like my Thanksgiving, and Christmas…and Birthday. You get the idea.
Contest Details
I’ll be giving away two copies of RIFT, one on facebook and another on Twitter. All you have to do is either Follow me on twitter or become a fan on facebook, one copy for the twitter crowd and another for facebook so be sure to hit me up on both for maximal chances at winning a copy of this kick ass MMORPG. Seriously, the game is kind of like if you took Warhammer, WoW, and EQ and forced them to have a child together with Cthulhu acting as a surrogate birthing entity. Christ, what did I just say? Tentacles spawn from the sky, that’s all you need to know, okay?
Contest ends Midnight November 11, because after that point in time I’ll have lapsed into a SKYRIM coma and may lose contact with the outside world for an undetermined amount of time. Worry not though, my faithful sidekick will aid me in mailing out your prizes, even if it means blindfolding me and playing an endless loop of sound effects from the game on my way to the post office. Note: If you are already a follower/fan then you are already entered!
Anyway, stay tuned for “Buying Your Affection, Round 2” wherein I’ll give away a copy of Dungeon Seige 3 and some Pen & Paper RPG goodies!
[button link=”http://twitter.com/dreadgazeebo” variation=”blue”]Follow On Twitter[/button] [button link=”http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Dread-Gazebo/122034691188743?v=wall” variation=”blue”]Fan On Facebook[/button]
[toggle_framed title=” Giveaway PROTIP:”]
I only have 77 facebook fans. Smaller pool, greater chances of winning? Also, please become a fan on facebook. Please!?
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