DreadPixie’s Practical Guide to Gencon With Kids
Second Time’s A Charm? I have been going to gaming conventions for four years now and so far I have only brought my kids with […]
Second Time’s A Charm? I have been going to gaming conventions for four years now and so far I have only brought my kids with […]
Let me start by saying up front that rpgKids is probably the best 3$ you can spend in beginning to foster the love of RPG’s in […]
So my second day at GenCon really wasn’t much of a GenCon day but I’ll tell you all about it anyways. I hit up the […]
Ive “played D&D” with my son on many occasions – we sit down with minis, dice and some dungeon tiles. He rolls his very own set of dice with no purpose other than the noise they make and then I tell him awesome things happen. He uses his imagination, and the bad guys lose so everyone wins. However this weeks many twitter posts regarding the Heroes of Hesiod kids module got me motivated.
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