Hello and welcome to the new DreadGazebo blog! I hope the new and improved-ness is sufficient and I hope you enjoy your stay. I’ll no longer be posting on my wordpress site so please bookmark this anew and check back often! Today also marks my first ever video, so please don’t mind my shaky camera (no tripod) and un rehearsed demeanor but be sure to let me know what you think.
Today I’m reviewing Gale Force 9’s DM token set, I’ve been anticipating this for quite some time now and managed to snag myself a set this payday. Overall the set is very solid and seems quite useful, only set me back 29$ which isn’t too shabby I suppose. The construction quality is superb, each marker is a nice gloss finish plastic with felt lined bottoms which make for nice ease of use on a dry erase mat, tablecloth, or whatever else you might play on.
My only gripe would be that I wish it had come with a few more variations of “marked” indicators, the 3 that are in the set may do for some parties, but for those of us with quarries, assassin shrouds, and a ton of warlock curses may need to improvise. This shortcoming shouldn’t be a problem though because the generic markers are dry/wet erase compatible. Anyway, check the video for the whole detailed review and I hope you enjoy the new site!
I love the new “home” and great video review man, keep up the good work.
Thanks for this review! Personally, I’ll be sticking with my Litko Aerosystems tokens, but these look very attractive.
Yeah, before this set all I had was good old milk rings, pipe cleaners, and random objects so I’m pretty satisfied. Those Litko tokens are pretty nice too.