I’m Not Very Smart Sometimes
So I said that I’d have Crimson Crusade up here…yesterday. Instead I made a personal post that I’d written about the Pathfinder Kickstarter a public thing and that kind of took the rest of my leisure time away commenting back and forth with people. Today though, I’m back on track and while I don’t foresee the game being ready today I’m just going to be realistic and aim for the coming Monday.
I wanted to get this game out, because I’ve spent so much time on it and because I feel like the longer I keep taking the more I’m failing my NaGaDeMon mission. However I’ve decided to treat this semi-seriously and do it right. Here I am making this piddly ass game a friend and I invented, and I’m meticulously going over the layout and the production values of everything like the whole world is about to see it. I suppose that’s technically correct but you know what I mean right? Anyway, the game is coming along well and I’m really proud of myself for following through on it but damn is it time-consuming to craft an entire game (even one as simple as this) and make it present able. I’m learning all sorts of lessons here, not only about design elements and the over/under-complication of game mechanics but I’m also learning what it is to be a publisher, quality control, development, and a whole slew of other things all at once.
Overall thank you all for your patience, and for the bit of excitement I’ve drummed up among some of you who are watching this project. As a consolation I’m throwing in a preview of one of the character cards to give you an idea of more of the game’s look and feel is like. Thanks for reading, and I’ll talk to you all soon!
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center”]https://dreadgazebo.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ClassCard2.png[/image_frame]
Looks great! Can’t wait to play it. Hope to see it on KS 😉
Haha! I appreciate your snark. There is zero chance that this (or anything I ever do) will be on Kickstarter.
With any luck I should get my NaGa DeMon idea into the light of day before too long. before next November would be best though.
Loving the card design. the splash of colour is very effective, and the ‘show don’t tell’ concept for the weaponry is a nice idea.
Thanks a lot! I’m hoping to actually finish it by the end of this month in one way or another. Even if it’s a less polished ‘beta’ I release and then clean it up more in February. I guess we’ll see but yeah I hope to not procrastinate all the way to November!