Duality, Deviation, Fourthcore and Friends

Duality, Deviation, Fourthcore and Friends

Not changing the name, just a placeholder image.

I know, this gazebo seems like a ghost town lately but rest assured there’s good reason for it. Between settling into my position over at Obsidian Portal as well as having a boat load of “real” work at my dayjob it’s been quite a struggle to find time to sit down and just write. Also, have i mentioned managing 5 twitter feeds throughout the day simultaneously is brain meltingly disorienting at times?

I’ve not been doing nothing however,  actually quite the opposite…on a separate domain I’m running a new beta version of the site with an entirely new look and some new focal points as well. By focal points I especially mean the usability of my content. My writing can be found in several other places nowadays and I have plenty of space to do editorials and product reviews there, not saying you wont find those types of things here anymore, but probably a bit less.

I’m going to turn a lot of my focus towards attempting to challenge the way we think of, look at and play 4e as a whole as well as creating fresh, challenging and unique content. Sharpening my skills for monster design and actually producing full fledged adventures, items and rituals are on top of my priority list too. I’ll be working in conjunction with my partner in crime and fourthcore founder himself, SaveVersusDeath as well as a few other talented individuals. So brace yourselves, for truly deadly and exciting content is set to pour forth from the maw of the gazebo like sieve for all to enjoy suffer!

My Seal of Approval.

Moving on to my final tidbit here, tonight I’m embarking towards DDXP for my first time! I’m beyond excited to go and meet new people, play some D&D and catch all the awesome new stuff WotC is going to be showing off. I’m also pretty stoked about having 3 nights away with my wife and no kids. We’ll be setting out  amongst the snow covered roads early tomorrow morning so wish us luck and tires with +5 save vs frost.

I’ll mainly be chiming in with details on things from the OP twitter feed and live blogging as well, but i’ll be sure to stop in my own feed from time to time and pull off an alter ego tweet. I’ll do a recap post as well and let you know about all there was to do and see at DDXP this year so stay tuned and also be sure to leave me some feedback here on your thoughts for the new direction of The Dread Gazebo! Please?


Shoot An Arrow At It