Krampus Adventure Giveaway

Krampus Adventure Giveaway

Tis the Season

Since it’s that time of year and I’m feeling very un-scroogely, the Satchelkin and I have decided to raffle off 2 copies of He Sees You When You’re Sleeping. All you’ve gotta do is post a comment below letting me know something that brings you happiness during the holidays. Could be something as little as “snowflakes” or “an excuse to be a hermit and play video games” I honestly don’t care, as long as it’s something that brings joy.

Just let me know in the comments below, I’ll choose 2 commenters this evening randomly to send a Krampus’y Christmas gift to, courtesy of myself and Schwalb Entertainment. Good luck, and have a Merry Christmas!

(Article header art by Jack Kaiser)


  1. Alan N Patrick

    Making others happy – that’s my holiday happy.

  2. Tyler

    Loving hosting family for Christmas Eve!

  3. David Norton

    Being shown toddler photos of my wife, hilarious!

  4. Piosoend Alppe

    Watching the kids open their presents and remembering the same joy I felt when I was their age.

    • Dread Gazebo

      Winner! gave me a result of 10 and 11. Emailing you links now!

    • Dread Gazebo

      Winner! gave me a result of 10 and 11. Emailing you links now!

  5. Dave Laliberte

    Family, and rpg presents

Shoot An Arrow At It