I’ll be doing a new little bit here and there on the site called “Minor Actions” wherein I tell you where else I’m posting and what else I’m doing that isn’t grounded here at DG. Often I drop a post off over at TIMG or on the Obsidian Portal blog, or may do a guest post at Save Versus Death or even get published in Kobold Quarterly again.
Hell maybe even someday I’ll reserve this category to tell you I got published by WoTC y’know…if I ever gain enough courage to actually submit some pitches…and they happen to get published. And/or other various pipe dreams.
Anyway, today I’m here to keep you all posted on what’s being revealed about Saturday Night Delves over at Save Versus Death, it’s a whole intro detailing the overview, the adventure level and locale and much more so be sure to go check it out. Even though it’s not my own post, I really want to point all my readers towards it because it’s a fruit of my labors also, and I’m really hoping people are getting excited about it. Try and drum up the excitement y’know.
I’ve already seen the final cover art and layout and all the finishing touches are falling into place, it makes my stomach churn with anticipation, joy and nervous-ness. Anyway now it’s time for me to return to my menagerie of dread where I’ll be putting the finishing bits of rust and blood on everything. Until next time!
Thanks for the heads up. This sounds incredible.