Sorry about the delay in posting my recap guys, after spending some quality time on the LEGO pyramid with another little girl who was obviously sick we spent Saturday night and all of Sunday dealing with our extra-cranky sick kiddo.
I slept in on Saturday and then headed to the Claddagh Irish pub to meet up with my fellow Obsidian Portal emissaries for some lunch and good times, not realizing the pub was 21+ my wife had to take our son down the street and eat separately which was a total bummer but hey, just more knowledge to keep in mind for next year.
After arriving, I got to meet Micah and we ended up having a great chat with our waiter who is an ex-gamer due to his DM moving away after college, hopefully after speaking with us maybe he went home and cracked one of those RPG books back open and gave some thought to finding a group again. Turns out I was the only person to show up to the Emissary lunch so I got the honor of holding the Ennie Obsidian Portal won last year and getting my pic taken with Micah. I won’t go too far into details about what we shot the shit about but I will say I probably could have kept talking to those guys for hours, also props to Micah for picking up the tab on our delicious lunch!
After that we hit up the convention again, I managed to get a bunch more good pictures and actually take part in some game demo’s on the show floor. I really must say that Fantasy Flight’s lineup is quite nice, although a lot of the games do tend to seem to bleed together to the point that some stop standing out. I’m looking at you Talisman, Descent, DungeonQuest, Runebound, RuneWars, etc. The quality and production values of their games seems hard to beat though, though I do believe Privateer Press is right on their heels regarding those same qualities.
Spent some more time at the wizards booth, there was magic playing and the live action lifesize D&D which is pretty cool and definitely amusing. I siezed this opportunity to pass out some of my Obsidian Portal info, assuming those gathered around the D&D happenings had at least played an RPG a time or two. I just wish Wizards had some D&D demo’ing going on right there on the show floor like all the other companies did, perhaps it would aid them in washing away some of the stigma attached to 4e if some of those version trolls actually saw it in action.
A lot more general perusing around and exploring what the Con had to offer, checked out a lot of the artist booths and got to actually see the people behind some of my favorite artwork I’ve seen on Magic cards and other various products which was very cool. Made a mental wishlist of the things I really wanted to buy and set a to do list for sunday. One of things was definitely to visit the Paizo booth, but more on that later.
We didn’t spend too much time more there on Saturday, we went to Jillians before going to gencon which is just across the street from Claddagh and my son played some arcade games. That day that we picked up Rattlesnake and Drakon from the Fantasy Flight booth so we were excited to go back to the hotel and get our game on – and we did! Turns out rattlesnake is a pretty fun and simple game regardless of how old you are 🙂 It also turns out my son’s second go-round on the LEGO pyramid is probably what got him sick, forgot to sanitize his hands afterwards and I’m pretty sure another one of the kiddos on it was sick. 🙁
Got some panda express and ate it out of plastic cups with chopsticks in the hotel due to the fact that we forgot we had no silverware or plates to eat off of, lol. My headache came back full steam again but thankfully there were some Advil samples down at the front desk, after spending half of Friday at the museum and half of Saturday sleeping in and exploring around Indianapolis, I set up some solid goals for a big bang of photo taking, video recording and general exploring for the last day, as well as more shopping! Definitely want to pass out the remainder of my Obsidian Portal freebies and maybe even hunt down that Greg Bilsland fellow or NewbieDM for an autograph.
Shoot An Arrow At It