New Podcast Is Live!

New Podcast Is Live!

We’re Up!

Remember a while back when I put up that pilot episode of a new podcast? Well that new podcast now has a name, Pixels & Polyhedrals, and it’s in full-swing my dear reader and potential new listener.

The show shadows the format of Haste in that each episode covers 3 main topics, a few quick announcements or spotlights on cool stuff we’ve found floating around the internet and audience feedback (when/if we get it). We cover everything gaming, but mainly focus on tabletop & video games, episodes are 30-45 minutes in length and feature myself, and two other hosts, sometimes three if we have a special guest. We’ve already had Rob Schwalb on the show to christen the podcast with unholy splendor.

More Than Just Words!

That’s right, on top of talking about games where you listen to us with your ear-holes, we also have plans to produce some gaming content to go with it. A little side helping, that should segue right into some of the stuff we talked about on the show. For example, we talked to Rob about his cats – and we came up with Scwalby’s Fantastic Flesh Pouches for use in your tabletop games! Neato’ gang!

Go Catch Up, Right Now!

Our most recent episode focused on people who are playing the wrong class – healers who don’t heal, bards who don’t sing, you know these people. We also talk about some of the woes of being a convention-goer, and discuss tabletop RPGs minis vs imaginaaaation.

We hope you’ll take some time to stop by the site and listen to an episode or two, we’re constantly improving our format, sound quality, and balance. It’s been a little bit of a rough start but we’re hoping you’ll give us a chance. Any feedback is always welcomed to our inboxes, on social media, or in the comments section.

Head on over and bookmark


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