Geeky Soap!
Just a real quick post this morning to show off my awesome new soaps the wife and I ordered from They came in the mail and I snatched them up last night and took a few pics with our mini’s.
Digital Dungeonmaster: the lack of tactility.
Recently I posted about going 3D with papercraft dungeons and dungeon tiles, another thing I’ve been playing around with lately is the idea of eliminating mini’s and maps and such and just trying to emulate my own Microsoft Surface setup without spending $15k. So last night I ran a session completely off of Masterplan, a very robust and feature filled app that you can grab for free. I hooked my 22″ widescreen up as a secondary display for the players, I know this is no “surface” like the fancy table, but I’ve yet to give this a whirl using a projector to put the images down onto a table (more on that next week).
I crafted a semi elaborate encounter prepared for them, complete with traps and multiple floors as well as dynamic line of sight as their markers moved around the ‘board’. The combat/initiative tracker is very very intuitive and makes short work of a lot of arduous DM record keeping. You can even display video-game style health bars under each PC and Monster that shows their hitpoints – transitioning from green to red as HP is lost. You can even ‘roll’ monsters saving throws for ongoing effects right there in the DM controls. I was prepared for the new apex of my tabletop experience, the holy grail of homebrew nerd-dom but I found myself feeling empty and superficial like I’d stolen the soul of ‘friendly game at the kitchen table’ right outta’ D&D.
Confessions of a Care Bear
So ever since I’ve picked back up D&D 4th edition, I’ve been trying to heed the “leave them bruised and broken, but still alive” philosophy, however apparently not broken enough. It’s been about 5 months now since our campaign has started, due to scheduling and other elements my players are only level 4 now and I’m starting to see the errors of my ways when it comes to fudging one too many dice rolls. My players are outright shocked if a monster or trap deals them too much damage, fail a skill challenge or drop to zero hit points – well that’s just unheard of! I always try and make sure my players are having a good time and honestly I don’t want to kill them off, so I always make sure that doesn’t happen. After explaining my style to a good friend (and boss) who is relatively new to D&D aptly termed this “Carebear DM’ing”
Going 3D
Of course D&D is a three dimensional world, many campaigns include even more facets and planes of existence as well, however at the table a lot of that depth disappears when using minis on top of a map/graph/board or whatever 2 dimensional surface most of us use. While it may be as vivid and engrossing as an imax movie in your own imagination, some players may not have such creativity in them. No matter your level of imagination, I think we can all agree that seeing a 3 dimensional representation of your environment can be pretty damn cool. Along with the aesthetics it forces us to think in 3D when it comes to blasts and bursts as well as range and many other mechanics become more interesting.