Gencon countdown, win free D&D stuff!
Well there’s four days till GenCon and I don’t think I’ve been this excited about anything since I was a kid. Don’t worry I’m not here to list my itinerary as if I’m someone noteworthy but I am saying that I hope to see you there! I’m looking forward to hopefully meeting some of you awesome folks face to face, and maybe play a game or two.
This is going to be not only my first GenCon but also my first convention ever, so I’m pretty pumped and a little frightened all at once. On top of it being my first of many, I get to pimp Obsidian Portal by wearing their awesome shirt (my lovely wife modeling it seen here) and hand out stickers/flyers to unsuspecting folks who are unaware how simple and fun their campaign note-keeping and organizing can truly be! The fliers might even have a little incentive printed on the backs of them for those who want to check Obsidian Portal out further. But you’ll have to find me or one of my other fellow emissaries at the con if you wanna’ get you hands on them, I’m not giving away any more details here.
Wife and Son in tow we’re making this a bit of a family vacation at the same time, probably take a small break from the con to pay a visit to the childrens museum too. I really want to instill the values of gaming in my son at a young age so what better place to take him than one of the biggest gaming conventions ever! My wife is super excited as well, sometimes I think perhaps maybe even a little bit more than myself.