Krampus Adventure Giveaway
Adventure: He Sees You When You’re Sleeping
The Christmas Krampus
Dreadful Deeds: Wintery Doom Edition
I may have fallen behind in keeping up with the twitterverse lately, but I’m back in action now – Damn the Holidays and their incessant need for tending to! Be sure to browse this weeks devilish tips for use at striking back against your smart assed players Father Winter while gaming this weekend! Also, if you happen to be in the market for some old school inspiration for your D&D game head over to myrpgame and check out my review of “The Dungeon Alphabet” by Goodman Games.
I probably won’t manage to sneak in another blog post until the new year, but there’s still a possibility of an evil Santa Claws or some candy cane zombies so stay tuned. However in the event procrastination/obligations do take hold, have yourselves a happy holiday and a safe new year!
DM’s – Your PCs are in a snowy and frozen area, whats the worst condition / monster / hazard you can throw their way?
@BlindGeekUK – I used dire winter wolf iceclaws, nasty beasts, and I had a terrain effect that would have dealt
@soklemon – I like the Remhoraz, or an avalanche. Ice Trolls can be fun also.
@Trollitc – A hugely fat human, who can fly, is dressed in red and white, with a sinister laugh who knows the party’s alignment and names.
@infocynic – A horde of evil snow elves/gnomes led by a large troll in a red suit. He commands them (minor) all to throw ice balls.
@deadorcs – A Remorahz that flings out 2d4 minion ice-yetis every other round until slain.
@Level30Yinzer – last time was frost zombies and outracing an avalanche
@lotsofsnow – Some sort of frozen ghouls that burst from the ice and attempt to drag bloodied PCs beneath.
@Gencon4James – Water elementals. Nothing is more dangerous in the cold than being wet, plus they can basically manipulate the terrain.
@DireFlail – Tarrasque. 3 hours post-breakup with his girlfriend. 2 hours post-buying a swimming pool full of Wild Turkey.
@Neldar – save or die to exposure
@VelvetSouljah – I’d do something like an “ice golem” type thing where snow drifts around PCs swirl to life and assemble into a creature.
@TheWanderer14 – Crevasse
@ve4grm – Lava, lots of lava!
@danielbalard – mine have fought giant snow worgs/kreashar and a fire breathing white dragon
@Naloomi – Remorraz – use their heat & tunneling to separate party members.