The Gazebo’s 1d12 Gaming Portents of 2013

The Gazebo’s 1d12 Gaming Portents of 2013

 The Gazebo gazes into his Obsidian Orb of Opinionated Portents and recites to you what it sees forthcoming for this, the 2013th year of our polyhedral lord.

  1. Now that Dungeon World is finally finished and floating around in the wild, more people will become aware of it. There will be some great content put out for it by bloggers and small press, but ultimately the game will remain polarizing for lots of gamers. Its old school charm and mix of new game design will probably make for some heated discussion.
D&DNext: The Insecure Teenager Phase

D&DNext: The Insecure Teenager Phase

Is it just me or are things getting a little silly with some of the D&DNext posts lately? I'm not sure all of this opinion polling is doing more good than harm, or at least not wasting valuable time that could be spent elsewhere. While I am a fan of the open playtest, I'm coming to be less and less of a fan of the "does this make D&D look fat?" ethos of D&DNext media coming out of WotC.